Self-employed in Barcelona

Barcelona’s coworking phenomenon

Barcelona is never a city to miss out on a trend. We’ve seen the rise of the “gintonic”, cupcakes and swing dance, and we can now add coworking spaces to the list. Coworking spaces, or “los coworking” as they’re known here, are pretty logical given that the amount of self-employed workers taking on bits and bobs here and there has risen with the crisis. It even looks like it might be part of a global trend.

Hiring a coworking space has various benefits. It gets you out of the house and into a new environment, puts you in touch with new people and is easier to declare on your tax returns than your place of residence. So without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the hottest coworking spots in Barcelona.

Top spots for coworking in Barcelona

The Almogàvers Business Factory is run by Barcelona Activa. It’s designed to be a “business incubator” – a place where new businesses can be nurtured and grow in a like-minded environment. As well as plenty of business services, you’ll have access to complementary services like help writing a business plan. It’s not free, but I believe spaces are heavily subsidised. To get one, you have to apply to empresa (at) barcelonactiva (dot) cat.

One of the coworking spaces that’s been hitting my Facebook feed constantly for the last couple of months is Betahaus Barcelona. Sold as the rather elitist-sounding “New coworking space for the social class”, full information has yet to be released on their website but I believe spaces are fairly cheap – around €80 per month (can that be right?). Betahaus seems to filter the stream of demand whipped up by their impressive marketing campaigns by how cool you are rather than what’s in your wallet: you’ll have to fit in with the “Rolling Beta Family” to be considered here.

Website Coworking Spain is a directory of more coworking spaces in Barcelona than you could shake a stick at. Seriously – I counted to 134 and then got bored. It’ll give you a good general market guide as well – as you can see, prices normally range from €50 – €300 per month, with €120 a seemingly happy medium.

Another interesting address is Comunidad Coworking, who, in addition to providing coworking spaces, offer information about “coworking culture” and networking events in Barcelona.

Text and photos by Penelope

4 replies on “Barcelona’s coworking phenomenon”

Hola Penélope, muchísmimas gracias por la mención que haces en este post hacia Comunidad Coworking, es todo un honor 😉
Sin embargo en enlace hacia la web, da error por lo que los usuarios que pinchen no podrán acceder … 🙁 ¿podríais actualizarlo por favor? simplemente debería dirigir a la home

Te lo agradecemos de antemano.
Un saludo!
Comunidad Coworking