Business culture in Spain

Barcelona Activa

Barcelona Activa is one of the best things the local government does for self-employed workers in Barcelona. This organisation can provide you with information, training and even a co-working space to start off your business activities.

To access the majority of the services (excluding the Cybernarium), you’ll first have to attend an introductory welcome session at the offices in C/Llacuna 162-164. After attending, the centre will send you a password to access the website’s facilities.

The session I attended was in Castilian Spanish, although I understand sessions are normally in Catalan. The presenter I had didn’t have any problems with this and was, she said, “happy to be flexible”, although presumably this could depend on who you happen to get on the day. You’ll also find a “Welcome Session” in English.

What does Barcelona Activa provide?

Useful things provided by Barcelona Activa include seminars about topics like business plans, marketing, finance, legal procedures and the entrepreneur as a person. You’ll also find information about co-working spaces subsidised by the government here.

One of the most useful aspects of Barcelona Activa, and one which anyone can access, is the Cibernarium. These guys offer high-quality IT training in things like Google AdWords, Photoshop, etc. The majority of sessions are free, but make sure you sign up fast as they can fill up within minutes. You don’t have to have attended the welcome session to sign up to the classes at the Cibernarium.

The presenter mentioned that, previously, she was able to give out lots of information about the kinds of grants that might be available. However, since the country has fallen on hard times, there’s less to say.

Text and photos by Penelope