Business culture in Spain

Websites and helplines for entrepreneurs in Spain

The government in Spain does offer some resources for people setting up business. Here, you can find a list of centres, websites and phone numbers.

Websites for entrepreneurs (by region)

Websites for entrepreneurs (by city)

In addition, most of the major cities have their own portal. Most of these also have a physical address you can visit. Personally, I can highly recommend Barcelona Activa, which holds free training courses on all kinds of business, marketing and technology related subjects, as well as offering help writing business plans and even some limited assistance with bureaucratic processes. So it’s a great place to get practical help as well as feel the buzz of lots of people starting their own business.

Citizen’s advice and tax helplines

Another resource I highly recommend is the citizen’s advice helpline. You can find a list of phone numbers here (scroll down to your community at the bottom), in most cases their number is 012. I’ve contacted them before for help on everything from whether AirBnB is legal to what licences I’d need to set up a café and they’ve always been able to help. That said, they only offer help in Spanish, so if you’re still getting to grips with the language you might need to get someone to call on your behalf.

The same applies for the social security and the Agencia Tributaria’s phone numbers. Both have been very helpful on occasions when enquiring about tax matters (I particularly like the Agencia Tributaria if you’re not sure whether you can claim VAT back on something or not). However, you will need to be able to communicate in Spanish.

  • Social Security:  901 50 20 50
  • Agencia Tributaria: 901 33 55 33