When you’re working as self-employed in Spain, you’re likely to come across lots of legal Spanish words you don’t know. Here’s a glossary:
What does … mean?
- NIE (Número de Identidad Extranjero): Foreign Resident’s ID Number
- NIF (Número de Identidad Fiscal): Business tax number. If you are a freelancer in Spain, your NIF is the same number as your NIE.
- Número de Afiliación a la Seguridad Social: Social Security Number
- Hacienda: Inland Revenue
- IRPF (Impuesto sobre la Renta de Personas Físicas): Income Tax (or closest equivalent)
- IVA (Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido): VAT (Value Added Tax)
- Cuota de Autónomos: Self-Employed Social Security monthly tax payments
- Agencia Tributaria: Inland Revenue (the arm of the Spanish Inland Revenue dedicated to tax-collecting)
- Modelo: Tax form
- Domicilio: home address
- Alta/baja: Sign-up/sign-off
- Autoliquidar: Pay tax into the system yourself
- Declaración de la Renta: yearly tax form, filled in by all citizens
- Retención: tax deducted from your payment and paid in on your behalf by a hiring company
- IAE (Impuesto sobre Actividades Económicas): Corporation Tax
- Autónomo: freelancer/self-employed
- PYME (Pequeña y Mediana Empresa): SMB (Small/Medium Business)
- Hoja de Vida Laboral: Employment history record
- Pago fraccionado: split payment
- Rendimiento: yield
- Préstamo: loan
- Hipoteca: mortgage
- IRNR (Impuesto sobre la Renta de No Residentes): Income tax for non-residents
- IS (Impuesto sobre Sociedades): Corporation Tax
Any more to add to the list?