If you are self-employed in Spain, it’s possible that you will need to fill in Modelo 130. This is the quarterly tax form used to declare IRPF…
Category: Tax
Writing an invoice, or “factura” for self-employed people in Spain is pretty similar to more or less everywhere else in the world. Here’s what you…
Doing your tax online is easy (well, at least not much more difficult than doing it in person). Also, you’ll save the costs of the…
In addition to social security contributions, there are three common types of tax self-employed people/anyone setting up business in Spain pays. Which taxes do self-employed…
We’ve all had those moments. The “eureka” ones that often strike when under the influence of a couple of glasses of wine, that say this:…
If you’re an immigrant who’d like to start up a business in Spain, what are your options? Can you sign up as self-employed? If you’re…
Despite my copious advice on how to fill in your tax modelos, there is one question that seems to be burning in your collective minds…
A combination of WordPress stats and my spider sense tells me that a lot of my readers probably work offering digital services. If this is…
Income tax for employees in Spain, although not directly relevant to freelancers (for whom this is a whole other story), is something lots of you…
For Spain’s autonomos, a hangover may not be the worst of your worries this January 1st. Yes, January means having to fill in your annual…